Monday, June 4, 2018

New project that still needed to finish

Been very lazy updating my blog and also making new cross stitch project. My toddler keeps me busy all day so now that my other childrens are done with school, I'm able to start back up on what I had left off. 

The project that I had started in the beginning of the year is this sev. I've seen many people selling this kind of pattern on facebook so decided to make one for one of my daughter. From looking at the pattern on pictures, I have to guess on what count I needed to make for this sev to come together from the outer part and inner part which took a lot of mistake but finally was able to do it ( No close up pictures so had guess). Now, I'm almost finished with the sev so once I'm done, I will update the updated picture which then, I will likely start on the other pieces needed for this outfit.

Down below is a small money belt that I did last year but did not put together, I finally sew everything together since my daughter needed one for her school dance. The inspiration for this piece came from a picture from google or on facebook that I found and love. It took me a whole day to do the border, the back, and hang the coin without anyone bothering me.

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